Overhead & Underground Utility Construction

As industry leaders, we specialize in delivering comprehensive solutions for both overhead and underground utility construction projects.

Our experts in Overhead and Undergound Utility are here to help with with any of your high voltage needs. We have 3 office locations in California, Arizona and Nevada, but have worked all over the country. We are a certified Woman-Owned business.

Safety rating below industry standards. EMR rate for 2024 at .55 and DART rate at .49
ISN Safety rating A
Experience designing, constructing, testing, & troubleshooting distribution systems
Install & service power banks, capacitor banks, automated reclosers, remote controlled switches, & PME’s
Available to install wood poles, steel poles and fiberglass poles
Pulling, terminating, & splicing underground primary cable >115kv including lead to lead splices
Storm response in all 50 states
Damage assessment in all 50 states
Experts in subsurface apparatuses including BURD transformers, RAG switches, & oil switches
Specialty equipment for excavating & setting all sizes of wood, steel, & fiberglass Poles
Extensive experience with the use of helicopters and cranes
Company owned trucks fully stocked 24/7 to carry out any high voltage emergency

About Our Crews
Our dedicated crews are passionate about providing rapid, reliable support for high-voltage emergencies or long term projects around the clock. Available 24/7, they bring unmatched expertise and commitment to every call, ensuring communities stay safe and powered. Below are some of our successes over the last 10 years showing why we are trusted leaders in high-voltage utility services.
Man Hours Worked
Circuit Miles of Overhead Conductor
Circuit Miles of Underground
Poles Installed